Evidence for the optimal management of acute and chronic phantom pain: a systematic review.


Clin J Pain. Philadelphia, PA 2002 March

The objective was to examine the evidence to determine the optimal management of phantom limb pain in the preoperative and postoperative phase of amputations.

Trials were identified by a systematic search of MEDLINE, review articles, and references of relevant trials from the period 1966-1999, including only English-language articles. Included trials involved a control group, any intervention, and reported phantom pain as an outcome.

PMID: 11882771

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2017-06-05T03:35:56-07:00March , 2002|PubMed, Research, Systematic Reviews|

The efficacy of Farabloc, an electromagnetic shield, in attenuating delayed-onset muscle soreness

Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

By Jian Zhang, M.Sc. Dr. Doug Clement and Dr. Jack Taunton, a study first published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, Philadelphia, PA in 2000

Two studies have shown that Farabloc reduces pain in human subjects who suffer from phantom limb pain or delayed onset muscle soreness, but the mechanism is unknown.

PMID: 10695845

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PubMed-LogoClinical Journal of Sports Medicine, Philadelphia, PA (PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE) read more >>


2023-08-29T07:59:40-07:00January , 2000|PubMed, Research|
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