Farabloc Links

Farabloc Development Corporation has had common cause with individuals and associations around the world who are equally concerned with advancing science and improving the lives of people suffering from many health disorders.

We declare that we have no connection whatsoever to such web sites or their respective contents and that the owners of such ‘linked to’ web sites are solely responsible for the contents of their web sites.***

Following are what we believe to be helpful web addresses.

Phantom Limb Pain

Phantom limb pain links

Amputee & Disability Sports

Amputee & disability sports links

General Disability & Pain

General disability & pain links

Professional Associations

Professional Association links

*** (With respect to the decision handed down by the regional court in Hamburg on May 12, 1998 — # 312 085/98 entitled “Liability With Respect to ‘Links’” — it was decided that websites which incorporate on their own webpages ‘links’ to other websites, are equally liable for the contents of those websites to which they have created said ‘links’. Such liability can be avoided only by means of an express statement by the website creating the ‘link’ that it distances itself completely from any and all content that may be found on the website to which it has created said ‘link’. As such, “we hereby distance ourselves completely from any and all contents which may be found on any and all websites to which we have created ‘links’ on our own website. We declare that we have no connection whatsoever to such websites or their respective contents and that the owners of such ‘linked to’ websites are solely responsible for the contents of their websites”.)