What is Farabloc

Farabloc presents a New Alternative Pain Relief System.

Farabloc is a lightweight cloth developed by the Farabloc Development Corporation using proprietary design technology.

Farabloc products are non-invasive and non-pharmacological, designed to be worn over the affected areas of the body.

The Farabloc material is composed of a special pattern weave of ultra-thin metal fibres and polyamid. Farabloc is available in a wide variety of blanket sizes and can be purchased as gloves socks, jackets, and as arm, leg, and body bands and wraps.

Farabloc has been involved in research of the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on public health.

Farabloc was invented more than thirty years ago to combat phantom limb pain, and has since been researched in both Europe and North America with results published in respected peer reviewed medical and scientific journals.

Farabloc can be tailored into various shapes and sizes and is now available in the form of blankets, limb covers, jackets, boots, back, knee, elbow, ankle and wrist wraps, hats, gloves and vests.

Increasingly, Farabloc is being integrated into the manufacture of prosthetics amputees. Lining the prosthesis with Farabloc offers sensitive nerve endings at the stump an extra shielding effect against high EMF and significantly reduces phantom limb pains.

Farabloc offers an effective pain relief solution, often useful in avoiding surgery.

  • Farabloc looks and feels like linen and can be washed, dried and reused.
  • Farabloc should be hung to dry or machine dried. Do not wring the material.
  • Farabloc can be cut, sewn and ironed like any other fabric.
  • Farabloc can be applied repeatedly without losing its effect.
  • Farabloc aids muscle relaxation and relieves lower back pain.
  • Farabloc may create a warming effect.
  • According to clinical studies, a double layer of Farabloc increases its effectiveness.