Controlling Chronic Pain in the Absence of EMF


As electronic devices grow in daily use, so does the amount of electromagnetic fields (EMF). EMF is a physical force of electrically charged objects that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Clinical and published studies have shown that EMF has a direct impact on chronic pain. Farabloc is a cloth like material that has been tested and proven to provide high EMF protection when wrapped or placed on the area of injury.


Farabloc is a drug free pain relief system used in various fields of managing chronic and acute pain. Patients who use Farabloc report less pain, faster recovery and better sleep as a result of decreasing their exposure to high EMF. Farabloc was invented more than 30 years ago to combat amputee phantom limb pain and has since been researched and recognized by health agencies and organizations in both Europe and North America.

New WorkSafeBC policy for workers who have undergone an amputation associated with an accepted work related injury.

Each year the eligible claimant receives annual benefits associated with their amputation for a clothing allowance. These injured workers should be made aware of their choice to use these funds to have their clothing lined with Farabloc fabric or purchase required clothing made of Farabloc fabric for the ongoing relief of phantom limb pain. There is no pre authorization or any administration required involving WorkSafeBC for individuals to use their funds to receive Farabloc applications that reduce their chronic pain.


Cutting Red Tape for Seriously Disabled Veterans

Good news for Veterans who have had service related amputations. Award Prosthetics patient/clients may receive quality prosthetics laminated with Farabloc fabric in a more timely manner. Physician involvement will no longer be required which will help veterans and their prosthetist they rely on.

Stump socks or limb covers should be considered “over the counter” items which as the Veterans information indicates will not require a prescription and appear to be eligible for reimbursement with the usual forms used by Veterans. As the Veterans information indicates,,, this only makes sense.

This one administrative improvement alone will facilitate those veterans coping with chronic pain to access and receive without administrative or other barrier limb covers/stump socks including Farabloc applications which have shown to so effectively help amputees.

More info here.

Dr. recognizes Farabloc as an EMF Shielding Device that shields high frequency EMF and can reduce phantom pain.

New Amputee Phantom Pain Testimonial from

EMF Protection Pub Med Published Research


Improving Functional Outcomes for Vascular Amputees Through Use of Mirror Therapy and Elimination of the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields.”
Occup Ther Health Care. 2015 Aug 21:1-15.

[Epub ahead of print]

Houston H1, Dickerson AE.

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Farabloc Effectiveness


[col_wrapper] [col2][iframe id=””][/col2] [col2_last]”Hi, I’m Brian Johns from the UBC Thunderbirds Swim Team, and I got into Farabloc when I was recovering from a rotator cuff injury. It really helped me out to wear the Farabloc Jacket after each workout, because I was just coming back and I was in a great amount of pain. It definitely helped me relieve all the symptoms from the pain and allowed me to recover quickly from the workouts that I was experiencing at the time, and to be able to recover from my injury quickly and get back in the water. Now, I’m swimming faster than I ever swam before and performing better than I could ever dream of. ” Brian Johns Brian Johns Bio and Performance Record[/col2_last] [/col_wrapper]