Phantom Limb Pain Relief – Testimonials

I did the initial trial for my wife, we both wanted to know if Farabloc claims were true. If so Vickie would try to work out a deal so East Coast Amputee Shoppe could become a dealer to offer it to the larger Amputee Community. It only took 3 nights of wearing my Farabloc cover, to tell Vickie “It’s Working” ! 4 days, I had no more Big Zaps ! 5 days my electric buzzing Phantom Pains became only tingles. Occasionally I may get a few at night, they re short lived, and way less intense than before Farabloc. I don’t stay awake twitching & jumping until 3-4 am every night. I’m not a complete Zombie from the Phantom Pains constantly anymore. I highly recommend all Amputees have a Farabloc cover and wear it whenever they are not in a prosthesis. The cumulative effects also carry over and less daytime Phantom Pains have also been greatly noticed. Its helped me to wear my leg longer with less pain. Im incredibly grateful.❤️
Shawn Trahan, Jan 26, 2024

Been a Lbka since Nov 2020. The farabloc is amazing. Before I got it I was having phantom pains all night and would wake my wife up crying. I had phantom pains during the day that would hurt so bad. Since using farabloc my phantom pains are far and few now. I also with it on and I do wear it when just watching tv when I don’t have my prosthetic on. When I get my next prosthetic I will buy the farabloc and have it put in. I highly recommend this for current and be amputees . Best thing ever!!!

A Miracle Product!!!!!!!!!!

Norman Baskin, Jan 26, 2024
10yr RBK here, I suffer from extreme phantom pain due to the longevity and excruciating painful surgeries I endured for 2 years before my amputation. The phantom pains have never gone away. Flairing up especially in the night and early mornings! I do not react well to phantom pain medications, so I always just dealt with it. Until I was introduced to this product!!!!!! After receiving my Farabloc Sleeve, I put it on for the 1st night expecting it to take time to become effective towards phantom pain. IT WORKED FROM DAY 1!!!! My phantom pain was gone, no more electricity current feelings, crimped off toes sensations, I didn’t wake up once through the night!! For the 1st time in a decade I was able to get a full night’s sleep! After a week of wearing it to bed, I stopped getting “phantom strikes” during the day. The sudden and painful shooting phantom pains that would stop me dead in my tracks and would need to squeeze my nub to get them to stop, had disappeared! Now I can’t travel or go a single night without it!!! A true GAME CHANGER in phantom pain treatment! I absolutely will not go a single night now without it! I’m blessed to have been introduced to such an amazing invention, treatment option instead of taking toxic medications with side effects!! I recommend it to ALL amputees!! New amputees and current amputees all alike!! If you suffer from phantom pain don’t wait any longer!!!!! Get into one now!!!!!!!
Gary LoCurto, Jan 26, 2024
I am very impressed with the results of the Farabloc, after wearing it for some time now. Not knowing anything about it, and skeptical about trying out anything new, I felt some beneficial effects almost immediately. Having been in the hospital for 4 months, recovering from amputation, major infection prolonged my recovery and almost needed another amputation. I have been on a high dosage of oxycontin and gabapentin for the duration of my stay in the hospital and during my recovery at home. Larry introduced me to the Farabloc product, and I was willing to try it out. I noticed soon after putting it on, about an hour later, that I felt some of the very irritable electric sensation, associated with phantom limb pain, had calmed down and taken the edge off of the razor sharp sensation. I also felt relief especially at night and could get a much better nights’ rest. The biggest difference that I can attest to is that I was able to lower the dosage of oxycontin and gabapentin.”


Tony del Giglio , Port Coquitlam, BC March 2014
Thank you so much for sending me the new limb cover. I have recently been attending the Jim Pattison Pain Clinic in Surrey for the
past year or so, and I am being treated for neuropathic pain in my stump, not phantom pain. Most of what I experience is stump pain
caused by neuromas.

The pain generally occurs in the end and back of my stump, and consists of pins and needles, burning, itching type of pain, similar, I
think, to Fibromyalgia pain. It is also a very persistent but low to mid level pain. The meds I use don`t seem to work as good as they
used to, and as recently as last week, the pain went on for 6 days or so, making sleep very difficult. You`re timing in sending me the
new fabric was excellent, and I am happy to report that I used the limb cover for a few nights and I experienced a reduction in the
pain level on the second and third night, allowing me to get some much needed sleep. Thank God for Farabloc!

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you sending me this when you did. I am very grateful for your thoughtfulness and I
appreciate your concern with my pain problems.
Thanks again to you and Frieder.

Best regards,

Larry, November 2012
I am a below-the-knee amputee who was discharged from Trillium Hospital in Mississauga on Day 6 after surgery to Toronto’s Amazing West Park Healthcare Centre for rehab… Five weeks later, I was discharged with a perfect-fit foot made by Prosthetist Michael…No pain, No discomfort, No limp, No sores… Just Perfection !!! However, I was annoyed at an uncontrollable erratic knee/stump twitch which constantly awakened me. Thankfully, Dr. Blair prescribed Baclofen which worked, but it was yet another chemical going into my body during my ordeal…

Of course, The Phantom visited many times during the day but without any pain, just an annoyance…

I discovered Farabloc cruising the Net…


The day my custom-made limb cover arrived I immediately ceased taking the medication, pulled it on at bedtime, and slept like a baby…No more pills… No more twitch… and The Phantom has not visited since, day or night even to humour me!!!
Thank You Farabloc!!! And Thank You Rena for your prompt correspondence and getting the order to me. This material is Amazing!!! It works!!! Respectfully, I remain.”

William, Toronto, Ontario 2012
Thank you so much for sending me a larger sized cover for my leg. I enclose to return the smaller cover.

I am a very recent amputee, and just becoming acquainted with the consequences of the limb loss and I have to
say I’m very happy with the Farabloc product. Within 30 minutes of using the limb cover, phantom pain is

You had mentioned that there was a method to use the Farabloc cloth in the prosthetic. Would you please
forward any information you might have on how to do this as I would like to discuss with the prosthetist
the option of using Farabloc in my permanent prosthetic leg.
Again, thank you for sending so quickly the new size, and thanks for a wonderful product.

Again, thank you for sending so quickly the new size, and thanks for a wonderful product.


Armin Reh, January 10, 2012
To the Farabloc Development Corporation

Some time ago I ordered a limb cover for my husband’s right leg which
had been amputated above the knee. It came and fitted very well. He
wore it day and night and although it did not take the pain away
completely it greatly reduced it and I am very thankful that it made
the last months of his life much more bearable. Paul died very
peacefully on the 31st July.

Thank you again. I tell everyone I can about it and I only wish the
doctors in Britain would contemplate using it.

Best wishes,

Jane Quail
Hello Rena, have been wearing the limb cover to sleep every night. Haven’t had a single episode of phantom pain since. If it stays this
way, the product then has given me back some enjoyment of life that I had lost.

Thank you. Will keep you posted.


Rachel Coolgan
Greetings. Some time ago – before the Summer – I bought from you the Farabloc stump cover. For 29 years I have suffered from
phantom pains and dreadful spasms.

Last saturday I put on the garment and all pain stopped and has not returned. I can never thank you enough and will tell other
amputees about this help. I still have not managed to hold it on in the daytime. You have given me new life.

Madeleine Campion
Dear Sir,

We recently ordered a Fabloc blanket for my father who has has a hemipelvectomy. He was experiencing severe phantom pains,
although we doubted that such a simple and expensive product could help we decided to order the large blanket.

I write to tell that he felt immediate relief,and has had the first full night sleep for months. I hope others who are suffering get to
know about this wonderful material. We hope to place a further order for my husband who suffers with arthritis in his knees,

Thanks again for giving my father releif from phantom pains

Andrew Holden
Mom started using Farabloc in 2004 after her amputation. She has always had it close by her side & still does. However she rarely
uses it anymore because over time she doesn’t need it. ( Once a month use) A million dollars would NOT drag it away from her. She
is your most loyal dedicated customer.
Lisa Scott
WHAT CONDITION DID YOU TREAT? Phantom itching from a mastectomy

WHAT FARABLOC ITEM DID YOU START WITH? Small sheet-not sure of the size

I was suffering severe phantom itching resulting from a mastectomy. It was
so severe it could bring me to tears. There would be about 3-4 sessions a
day. I bought a sheet of farabloc and used ½ of the sheet. I folded it
about 4 times and placed it next to my skin. The itching stopped almost
completely. It happened only about once a month after that and wasn’t as
bad as it had been and could usually be stopped by rearranging the

DESCRIBE SUBSEQUENT EXPERIENCE (other, conditions, other Farabloc items,
experience of family or friends.)
My mother has used it for a toe that was causing her pain. She has
diabetes and her toe started to ache. They couldn’t find any reason for
it, and it took them about a year to determine the cause. She wrapped the
farabloc around her toe and it eased the pain for her. Eventually, the toe
had to be removed, but your product kept her mobile while they diagnosed.
I gave farabloc to a friend of mine for plantar faceitus(sp?). He folded
it and put it under his heel inside his boot. It eased some of the painfor him.

Ms Gallagher
I just wanted to say thank you for telling me about Farabloc because I have had lots of nerve pain from my leg amputation site. I
have found Farabloc to be the fastest and best pain reliever bar none. I have tried everything, including heavy duty drugs with I
didn’t like, or want to take at all. As soon as I feel the first pain twinges occurring. I put on my blanket, either under my clothing or
if I can, I lie in bed with it on. One aspirin also helps to relax me, and let Farabloc do it’s job. It’s amazing how quickly the pain is
gone, and I am feeling better, and can continue whatever I have to do.

After being an amputee for 35 years, I’m having knee pain from the extra stress my knee has to withstand. I now use Farabloc to
wrap my knee and have found that to also work great!

Farabloc is a terrific product for amputees or any one who has acute or chronic pain. I am so glad I have discovered it! Thanks again!

Rose Petra
Dear Frieder,

Thank you so much for your professional attentiveness and personal kindness: Janet is indeed doing well, having recently completed
several weeks’ rehabilitation at G. F. Strong Clinic. She’s currently at St. Paul’s this week having her spinal stimulator adjusted.
I must apologize for not having contacted you earlier: I was certain that I had written you directly after your visit with Janet. She was
greatly touched that you took the time to come by personally — even speaking with Dr. McDonald — and that you so generously
provided her with a sizable Farabloc blanket.

As she’s very tired at this time, I’ve not called her recently, but when we last spoke about a month ago she said that she had been
using the Farabloc blanket constantly — “from day one of the amputation” — and found it greatly comforting and warming. At that
time, I also spoke with Dr. McDonald, who founded very positive while he expressed his approval for her use of Farabloc.

Thank you again and I look forward to communicating/collaborating with you in the near future.


Laurie MacKenzie, November 2006
” Many thanks for prompt delivery of the amazing Farabloc!. My stepson has a hemipelvectomy amputation, therefore has no stump…however is able to use the Farabloc to cover the socket area before strapping on his moulded prosthetic. Instant results I have to say!!. This will make so much difference to a young man’s life.”
Margaret Osborne , Kent UK. September 2012
“The next time I had phantom pain I put the limb cover over my stump and felt this warm feeling and the pain diminished considerably. I always describe it as if the pain was my guitar amplifier turned up to 9 or 10, the Farabloc turned it down to about a three.”
Larry Gardner
“I have been using the limb cover you provided , nightly since it arrived a week or so ago. As a result, I have been able to completely eliminate all but one of the opiates prescribed for the neuroma pain, and even the one I continue to take has been reduced from P.D. to P.R.N.”
“I am a 72 year old male and have been an amputee (above the knee) for 54 years. I suffered tremendously with phantom pains due to a severe operation. I used all kinds of pain killers and rubs to no avail. Then, I discovered your wonderful God-sent Farabloc material. I ordered my first Farabloc sock last year and haven’t had but one minor episode since then, and that was due to my own negligence for not getting the sock on when I took my prosthesis off for the night.

My next prosthesis will definitely have Farabloc incorporated in the socket. Thank God and Farabloc for providing this wonderful product.”

Jim Coon
Rena, first and foremost, I, on behalf of my father-in-law want to thank all of you for the prompt attention you took to get the limb cover I ordered to my father-in-law. He received it on Friday and says that he hasn’t felt this good in the almost 3 years, since his amputation. We are so thrilled.

Thank you. We will sing your praises all over the state of Texas.


Denise Jones
Dear Sir,

I purchased Farabloc approximately 12 months ago from FarabJoc Corporation in Canada to treat phantom limb pains which had been causing me severe pain for 18 years. Having good results I purchased some more and have b en very happy with the improvement in the quality of my life.

I read you invented the product because your father suffered phantom limb pains a he was a World War Two amputee. I and other amputees worldwide thank god you invented this brilliant p

Ian Begshaw
“Since I’ve gotten the Farabloc cover I’ve noticed a great improvement in my life. Now when I get pains I put on the Farabloc and within minutes the pains lessen and start spacing out decreasing in intensity. I sleep much better and am not nearly as tired the following day. I strongly recommend the Farabloc to anyone who suffers with phantom pains and I am sure it will help make your life much better – don’t wait 40 years to find relief like I did.”
FA, Richmond, BC
“We recently ordered a Farabloc blanket for my father who has had a hemipelvectomy. He was experiencing severe phantom pain., Although we doubted that such a simple and expensive product could help we decided to order the large blanket.

I write to tell that he felt immediate relief and has had the first full night sleep for months. I hope others who are suffering get to know about this wonderful material. We hope to place a further order for my husband who suffers with arthritis in his knee. Thanks again for giving my father relief from phantom pains.

Thank you very much.”

“Dear Farabloc:

First and foremost, I, on behalf of my father-in-law want to thank all of you for the prompt attention you took to get the limb cover I ordered to my father-in-law. He received it on Friday and says that he hasn’t felt this good in the almost 3 years since his amputation.

We are so thrilled. Thank you. We will sing your praises all over the state of Texas. Again thank you for again for this wonderful Christmas present no only for him but for us all.”

“On March 15 of 2006 I was at the blood lab at Gilbert and Westminster Hwy in Richmond and I passed by the office of Dr. Nixdorf and saw an advertisement in the window regarding phantom pains so I took down their information and made a few phone calls and I made an appointment to have a cover made for my stump and shoulder as I lost my left arm about 40 years ago and have had phantom pains for hat

Since I’ve gotten the Farabloc cover I’ve noticed a great improvement in my life. Now when I get pains I put on the Farabloc and within minutes the pains lessen and start spacing out decreasing in intensity. I sleep much better and am not nearly as tired the following day. I strongly recommend the Farabloc to anyone who suffers with phantom pains and I am sure it will help make your life much better – don’t wait 40 years to find relief like I did.”

FA, Richmond, BC
“To whom it may concern,

Since I had my left leg amputated 7 years ago, I’ve had terrible phantom pains. Pain Your device with the woven stainless steel mesh has been a God send. When it is applied at the onset, it provides complete relief.”

A.N.M., Victoria, BC

I am a 75 year old retired teacher and coach who lost my left leg, due to diabetes, in December of 1997. It was amputated just below the knee. Max McVey, my prosthetist, in Des Moines, Iowa, phoned you with the measurements on a Wednesday and I had the limb cover the following Monday.

It is a little tight around the knee, but works fine. I put it on when I take my leg off at night and have not had one phantom pain in two weeks (at night). I sleep like a baby.

I’m about due for another socket and when that time comes he will laminate Farabloc into the socket. I have cut my pain pills in half and really think I could do away with the night ones all together, but they are a narcotic so I’m backing off according to my doctors instructions.

I’m pretty active as I substitute teach and still successfully coach 9th grade football in the fall off of a scooter. Not having a phantom pain will make that much more enjoyable. Thank you very much. You will be hearing from us.”

Ivan D. Hankins, Eddyville, Iowa 52553
Just a note to let you know how I’m doing. That can be answered in one word, TERRIFIC. Farabloc is truly an amazing product.

The lady at the Knoxville, Iowa VA is so pleased with her gloves she is wearing them night & day. When I went to get a new wheel
chair she had them on. Some of the guys were teasing her and she told them to have right at it, but she was going to leave them on.
Marcia at the prosthetist goes on and on about her knee wraps. You should hear from a Sleep Clinic Doctor Fluegel pretty soon. I am
going to send her your e-mail address and she is interested as she has several patients with phantom limb pain and she has some
hand problem.

We’re getting the word out. I’m about due for a new socket and Max is going to get some material and fabricate it into the socket.

I have been wearing the daytime one at night now as you have the other one and one night I woke up with a terrible phantom pain. I
told my wife that it wasn’t working. She told me it probably would do a better job if I put it back on. Somehow it had slipped off. At
any rate it is a great product and if I couldn’t get any more of it I wouldn’t take a million for
what I have.

Best Wishes,

Ivan D. Hankins, Eddyville, Iowa 52553
I am a 72 year old male and have been an amputee (above the knee) for 54 years. I suffered tremendously with phantom pains due to
a severe operation. I used all kinds of pain killers and rubs to no avail. Then, I discovered your wonderful God-sent Farabloc material. I
ordered my first Farabloc sock last year and haven’t had but one minor episode since then, and that was due to my own negligence
for not getting the sock on when I took my prosthesis off for the night.

My next prosthesis will definitely have Farabloc incorporated in the socket. Thank God and Farabloc for providing this wonderful

Write me for more information or questions.

To Whom It May Concern:

On February 17, 1987 my son Andrew, eight years of age, had his left leg amputated at the hip in the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Among the many hurdles we had to overcome were the phantom pains Andrew had after the surgery. There didn’t seem to be any answers to this problem. One type of medication made the pains tolerable when combined with a T.E.N.S. machine. They took some of the sharpness of the shocks away. I brought the pills and the T.E.N.S. home with us on March 15 because Andrew could not do without them.

On March 20, Mr. Wahl and Mr. Kempe came to Squamish in the hopes that they would be able to help us with these phantom pains. They left a “blanket” with us and told us to wrap Andrew in it when the pains begin, and hopefully this could be a solution.

Wanting to know if this would work I took him off the medication which I had tried to do two days before, but with no success.

When the pains started I wrapped him, waist down, in the blanket and the relief was immediate. The pains stopped and he relaxed. During the night he awoke shuddering from the pains, I used the “blanket” and he went right back to sleep. Now I put it on him for all night and he sleeps comfortably.

He has had no medication since I started the blanket and I have not used the T.E.N.S. machine once since.

I hope other people in the same situation can be helped by this method to deal with a difficult problem.

My thanks to these gentlemen for their time and caring for our little boy.


P.W., Squamish, BC
Hello Pat!
First, I want to tell you that using the limb cover has taken about 90% of my pain away! I’m real happy that I’m finally getting some
relief. :-)”
M. A., USA
“In 1964, at the age of 16, I was the youngest member ever on the French Olympic track team. All my life I had loved to run, play games, chase friends and fly like the wind. To train, secretly at night, I had to jump the wall that separated the Catholic girl’s boarding school from the boy’s school next door. They had the only track! The trial to qualify for the team were held in Paris. When I lined up to run, I didn’t even have the appropriate spikes. A kind runner lent me her spare pair. Coaches and of officials were wondering who this scrawny kid was. They found out 100 meters later. I was not only the scrawniest, I was the fastest! I was going to the Olympics Games in Tokyo.

On a beautiful Sunday, two weeks before leaving for the Games, I asked my father to take me for a drive to enjoy the freedom and excitement I felt because my dream had come true. It was not to be. A drunk driver suddenly came around a corner, head on. When I woke from a coma three months later I learned I might never walk again. And that my father had been killed.

I did learn to walk again with the aid of crutches then a cane. After graduating from La Sorbonne, I came to Canada, married and had two children.

In 1985 cancer overtook my left leg. Several amputations followed starting at the ankle and ending just below the knee. It was at the time Steve Fonyo was running across Canada. He inspired me, as had earlier another young amputee I had met, Terry Fox, and then later another found another friend in Rick Hansen. All three inspired me to pursue my ill-fated running career interrupted twenty-one years before. Three months after the last operation I challenged the Mayor of Nanaimo, British Columbia, where I was living at the time, to a marathon run to raise money for cancer research. Together we raised $20,000. To top it all I ran the final miles into Victoria with Steve Fonyo.

For me the rest is history. Three years of intensive training with able-bodied athletes in Calgary and world class competition culminated in a Gold and silver medal in the 100 and 200 meter sprints at the 1988 Paralympics in Seoul, Korea. From 1988 to l995 I held the world record in the 100 meter event and still have the world record in the 200 meter event. My 1964 dream had finally come true! But this type of intensive training. (read wear-and-tear on my stump and body), did not come without a price. A price in pain.

After Seoul it was time to get on with making a living as a motivational speaker and as I was to learn, living in pain. When you train at a high level you expect some aches and pains, but through repetition you don’t notice that much, or ignore the pain for the ultimate goal. Not so in daily living. I began to experience phantom limb pain much more frequently than before. My usual remedy was to transfer the pain to the other foot by applying equal or more pain by manually squeezing the other foot until relief came. This would work at home, but imagine me taking off my shoe and squeezing my foot in public.

One day in early 1994 on a visit to my prosthetist, Tony van der Waarde, I was venting my frustrations on not being able to deal more effectively with the phantom pain better and earlier. He told me about a new alternative pain relief system called Farabloc.

Tony had a sample of Farabloc which looks and feels like an ordinary piece of linen but contains extremely thin steel fibres. The sample he gave me was about the size of a large handkerchief. I took it home and upon my first hint of phantom pain I wrapped it around my stump. Lo and behold the pain was caught in the bud! I didn’t need to squeeze and I didn’t have to take a pain-killer pill!

Shortly after that I met the inventor of Farabloc, Frieder Kempe. He explained to me how Farabloc through its shielding effect protects damaged nerve endings. It stimulates blood circulation and aids muscle relaxation and can be applied for muscle strain and some arthritic pains. A seamless limb cover of Farabloc was made for me so I could wear it full time or whenever an attack of phantom pain announced itself.

Interestingly, I’ve noticed that since I received the sock, even though I don t wear it all the time, the frequency of phantom pain has diminished.

Recently I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, an incurable disease that causes severe pain in the joints plus daily exhaustion. This unfortunate development has been attributed to the strain of extreme over exertion in my training for the sprint events.

Some other complications have also contributed to the onset of Fibromyalgia. Medication has been prescribed. To add to that, I’ll be using a larger blanket of Farabloc on my shoulders and back, where most of the pain is centered. I’ll be the first to let you know the results!”

Claude Pomerel, Motivational Speaker, Gold and Silver Medal Winner, 1988 Seoul Paralympics
I received my Farabloc sock at the end of January – barely 4 weeks ago and the results from wearing the sock have been profound! I no longer feel as though someone is manipulating my toes in opposite directions or have sharp stabbing pain. Wearing the sock has also helped post-surgical pain further up the stump. I still have some pain, but it feels like a mild TENS machine pulse.

At last I am sleeping soundly after what must be around 20 years of disturbed sleep.

Thank you.

Sue Boothroyd, UK, Feb 24 2005
“You have been kind enough to let me use the Protective Fabric, as I am a war invalid, heavily wounded during the war, with an amputated leg. I have repeatedly used the Protective Fabric at night against nerve pain in my amputation stump and can now report the following regarding the fabric.

I have been plagued by strong nerve pain at night, not being able to sleep as a result of it. I would wrap now the fabric around my stump and would be able to go to sleep as a result of that. I can warmly recommend therefore the fabric and I would not want to do without it.

For the use of the fabric I would like to thank you cordially and wish you the Best of success with the fabric for the sake of all people with amputations

With friendly regards,”

S. I. , Vancouver, BC
“You have been kind enough to let me use the Protective Fabric, as I am a war invalid, heavily wounded during the war, with an amputated leg. I have repeatedly used the Protective Fabric at night against nerve pain in my amputation stump and can now report the following regarding the fabric.

I have been plagued by strong nerve pain at night, not being able to sleep as a result of it. I would wrap now the fabric around my stump and would be able to go to sleep as a result of that. I can warmly recommend therefore the fabric and I would not want to do without it.

For the use of the fabric I would like to thank you cordially and wish you the Best of success with the fabric for the sake of all people with amputations

With friendly regards,”

S. I. , Vancouver, BC
“Dear Sir or Madam:

I had my left leg amputated below the knee in June 1994 and has suffered almost constantly from phantom pain. These were truly intense pains and the pills that had been subscribed to lessen the frequency of phantom attacks and pain just did not seem to work.

One morning while reading the morning paper I noticed an advertisement for amputees who suffered from phantom pains and suggested that they try “Farabloc” I was a little skeptical and through the (NET) I found a wealth of information, thinking (what did I have to lose) I ordered a below the knee Farabloc fitting and for me it has worked and the phantom pains have been almost non-existent.

I would recommend FARABLOC to amputees who suffer as I did for three years.”

G. P. , Toronto, ON
“Dear Farabloc,

As an above knee amputee of over 31 years, I was delighted to discover your amputee phantom pain relief product online. I have endured severe phantom pain for many years. I was prescribed many medications over the years, none of which were very effective and most of which had unwanted side effects. I ordered a custom fitted limb cover online and received it with much anticipation. The next time the phantom limb pain occurred, I put the cloth over my stump and within a few seconds began to feel a slightly warm sensation and a significant reduction in the pain level, similar to turning my guitar amplifier down from an 8 to a 3.

I am now able to sleep better and generally able to deal with the pain in a natural manner, without the side effects of drugs like tegretol, neurontin and codeine. I wear the limb sock over my stump nightly, and I also have the Farabloc fabric laminated into my socket, providing continuous relief from the phantom pain. For more information about the Farabloc Lamination Technique visit I have also recently purchased your carpal tunnel Faraband, and it is the best product I have found yet for my wrist pain.

Thank you, Farabloc, for the excellent product and for helping me deal with my phantom pain. I highly recommend Farabloc for pain relief naturally!

Best regards,”

Larry Gardner
“Dear Mr. Frieder Kempe,

Dan has asked me to pen you a note concerning my use of “Farabloc” which she gave me for Christmas. In 1962 I had a radical mastectomy followed by a series of Cobalt treatments. Within six months I began to lose feeling in my hand and eventually lost the use of my hand and arm and had great swelling and edema. By 1978 my chest had begun to decay and they amputated my arm in order to use the flesh from elbow to shoulder to rebuild a chest using continuous flap skin graft. My arm (actually parts of it, ie. elbow, wrist hand and fingers) had been painful since the 60’s with the numbness and bloated feeling caused by edema. I have been on painkillers for many years. since the amputation, the same “parts” of the arm, which pained before, still pain today.

A friend helped me by sewing the Farabloc into 4 shoulder covers for my daily use. Since I have been using the Farabloc, I have been able to reduce my pain killers by approximately half.

I found that it was better not to wear my cover 24 hours a day, as sleep has always been one of my means of escaping my pain. So I take it off in the evening before bed. My friend Jeanie, as she was sewing the Farabloc, said she could feel warmth generated by the material. So instead of 5 to 8 Exdol 30’s per day, I am down to 3 or 4. I hope this brief account will be of some use to you.

Thank you so much for making this wonder fabric available.


To Whom It May Concern:
March 20, 1989
On January 13, 1989 1 was involved in an industrial accident. A 1 ton counterweight from a 988 loader fell 3-1/2 feet onto my left foot crushing it from instep to toes. The Doctors at Royal Columbian Hospital tried to save my foot. For the first week I was in severe pain, taking 40mg of Morphine every 4 hours. One day an attendant from the physiotherapy Dept. asked me to try a ‘Blanket’ After explaining its function I agreed. Within 2 days my morphine dosage was cut in half in a week it was down to 4 mg per 4 hours,
However the impact of the steel had completely crushed my foot & circulation was severely impaired and one by one my toes died. On February 17, 1989 the decision was made to amputate the foot. After the operation I found that I was having severe ‘phantom’ pain from my toes and instep of my amputated foot. The “Farabloc Blanket” was put to use again and I felt relief within hours. Within a week I was only using the blanket at night as this seemed to be the time of day that the phantom returned.
By March 10, 1989 I found I was having almost no phantom pain but found the blanket to be of great assistance in relieving nerve

pain as the end of my leg was coming to life.
I am sure that this instrument of relief will be of great comfort to me in the days ahead as I am fitted with my new foot. My Thanks goes out to the people who have made this Blanket available.
Alec M. Hollett , Surrey BC. March 20, 1989

I bought your product on November 12, 1988 – as an amputee, I had a great deal of pain- your product has changed my life – four friends with chronic pain noticed the change in me and also bought a Farabloc – all are better for it … now my doctor wishes to have pamphlets and all available information.

Yours sincerely,”

O. S., Edmonton, AB
“My Dear Mr. Kempe:

I have wonderful news to tell you about your Farabloc”. My name is Ethel Hiller, and I wrote to you a few weeks ago. I have suffered phantom pain since Feb/94, twice that month and each time for 19 hours. Six months later, again for 31 hours and still later on for 24 hours. That’s when I decided to order your Farabloc – I was desperate — that was my lucky day, but I did not know it then.

On Jan. 27, 1995, my phantom pain came back and I wrapped your Farabloc around my stump. The pain only lasted 5 1/2 hours. I couldn’t believe it! I sent the blanket back and asked you to please make up one with my specifications which you did expertly I might add!

Well on Saturday, March 11, I was awakened at around 5:30 AM with phantom pain in my right foot (my right was amputated above the knee June 1992).

I immediately put on the Farabloc sock on my stump and could feel the warmth starting to penetrate. I couldn’t sleep so at 6:30 – one hour after the pain started I decided to get out of bed.I put on my special leotards (gobst) then the Farabloc sock and put my stump into my prosthesis. This was only one hour after my pains began, and lo and behold no more pain at 7 AM I use a few death rattles (that’s what I call them) and it was all over.

ONLY ONE HOUR – I continued wearing the Farabloc sock for about 5 1/2 hours then very carefully took it off and placed it back in my bureau drawer.

You are a genius to have developed this fantastic cloth and I thank God everyday that I was able to contact you to obtain this miraculous material. I can’t believe my good fortune, and you have made a friend for life!”

E. H., Vancouver, BC
“Within minutes of putting on my Farabloc sock, I felt relief. Since then recurrences of phantom pain have been quickly and effectively blocked by Farabloc. As I said, “Like the credit card company, I never leave home without it.”
C. P. , North Vancouver, BC
T R A N S L A T I 0 N (from German)
Dear Mr. Kempe:
You have been kind enough to let me use the Protective Fabric, as I am a war invalid, heavily wounded during the war, with an amputated leg. I have repeatedly used the Protective Fabric at night against nerve pain in my amputation stump and can now report the following regarding the fabric.
I have been plagued by strong nerve pain at night, not being able to sleep as-a result of it I would wrap now the fabric around my stump and would be able to go to sleep as a result of that. I can warmly recommend therefore the fabric and I would not want to do without it.
For the use of the fabric I would like to thank you cordially and wish you the best of success with the fabric for the sake of all people with amputations.
With friendly regards,
Franz BareIifelmann, Forchheim, Germany
Dorothy stated when I last visited her on March 31 that Farabloc has helped her Phantom Limb Pain 100%. The Arthritic pain in her shoulders has been relieved a bit but not as much as she had hoped
She is presently taking Tylenol for her arthritic pain but she is no longer taking Tylenol Extra for her phantom limb pain when she us is Farabloc.
She has indicated good results with Farabloc and will certainly recommend it to others.
Betty Schupp B & A Distributors Langley BC, North Vancouver, BC